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WhatsApp Plus APK Download (Official) Latest Version July- Whatsapp plus for pc windows 10
Using Bluestacks emulator 1. Download and install Bluestacks. Open Bluestacks on your PC and log in to your Google play account. Search for WhatsApp Plus. Click install.
Using MEmu emulator 1. Download MEmu on your PC. Open the emulator. Click on the downloaded WhatsApp Plus. All programs and games not hosted on our site. If you want to hide the blue ticks, then it is effortless in WhatsApp Plus. For this purpose, it is necessary that you should have the best Bluestacks emulator.
Now download the Bluestacks and install it on your PC. After the installation, launch this app. You will find the download link easily, otherwise, use the link given below. Click on the link and download the APK file. Final Words. Bluestacks software is even available for Mac OS as well.
Now you can just double click on the app icon in bluestacks and start using WhatsApp Plus app on your laptop. You can use the app the same way you use it on your Android or iOS smartphones. However, using the standard method to Install any android applications is recommended. The latest version of Bluestacks comes with a lot of stunning features.
Bluestacks4 is literally 6X faster than the Samsung Galaxy J7 smartphone. The original App has emoticons that make the conversation more emotional and real.
But this App has added more emoticons to its collection. It has added the emoticons of Google Hangouts for better communication. But there is a catch. Only WhatsApp plus users can view the emoticons. If you send emoticon and receiver has the original App, then new emoticons will not show in the message.
The users of the original App were tired of other people getting them interrupted while seeing them online. You can hide your status from any person or group. This option produced new freedom within the domain of encrypted communication. The original WhatsApp allows only files up to 16 MB, which causes an intriguing tension among data distributors.
This App enables file sharing up to 50 MB, which is convenient for users. The advanced file sharing option is absent in the original App. With this feature, you can delete all the unnecessary chat, clear chats, and all other extra stuff that you want to clean.
Whatsapp Plus APK is designed with another great feature that helps you to hide your recording status from others. This feature is only available for the Whatsapp Business Accounts, but Whatsapp Plus has come up with this feature to facilitate its users.
So, by using this feature you can set and send an Auto-reply message to people you want. Another incredible feature of this wonderful app is its unlimited Wallpapers. Everyone loves to set unique wallpapers on their wall and with this feature you can set amazing wallpaper on your chat screen.
In this case, you can keep the record of every activity that is done on your account. This feature can be very beneficial for you in various ways. Everyone wants to keep different types of styles of fonts and with this feature, you can get a variety of different colors, sizes, styles, and shapes of fonts. This app allows the user to share the things in a way that Official Whatsapp does not support.
There are also a few downsides to using this App, which is mentioned below. The producers of this App are not releasing updates in a regular manner.
You have to wait for months for new updates. But it is still available to download from various other sources.
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